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Synesthesia: Cross-wired Senses

Synesthesia is where one or more senses are actually linked neurologically, leading to a single stimulus causing more than one sensory response. For example, sounds that have colours, and textures that have smells. For me personally, the number 8 always seemed like a bit of a snob, while the number...
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Musical Genius

Documentary about blind and autistic musical savant, Derek Paravicini. It is mindblowing not only for the demonstration of his abilities but the implications of what the brain is capable of.
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In My Language

From the YouTube description, “The first part is in my "native language," and then the second part provides a translation, or at least an explanation. This is not a look-at-the-autie gawking freakshow as much as it is a statement about what gets considered thought, intelligence, personhood, language, and communication, and...
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Different Ways of Knowing

Daniel Tammet has linguistic, numerical and visual synesthesia -- meaning that his perception of words, numbers and colors are woven together into a new way of perceiving and understanding the world. The author of "Born on a Blue Day," Tammet shares his art and his passion for languages in this...