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The Neurons that Shaped Civilization

This is a documentary that instructs about the function of particular brain cells, known as mirror neurons. Mirror neurons allow us to learn from example, referred to as social learning. Lots of interesting research and real-world examples demonstrating the vital function of these cells and what happens when they don’t...
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This video describes the phenomenon of seeing without seeing. Blindsight refers to the brain’s ability to detect and respond to visual stimuli outside of our conscious awareness. Features lots of fascinating research. Useful in understanding the extent and sensitivity of our implicit memory and unconscious awareness.
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The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

I think this is a particularly useful talk in the pursuit of understanding behavior that is often dismissed by society as teens being “difficult”. I will say, however, that it is not mysterious; it is logical. I think it is also worth noting that what she is describing is the...